Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Not So Ugly

The good. I have always had a love/hate relationship with Florida. For the most part I love the weather, especially as it has been for the last week. I also love the selection of very inexpensive, very very delicious fruits and vegetables they sell at the roadside stands. Cantaloupe, strawberries, avocados, tomatoes, peppers and - drum roll please - HONEYBELL ORANGES! These are the sweetest, juiciest and most delectable things that could ever pass your lips. Seriously. I discovered them the other day at the fruit stand when my friend Jose watched me put a navel orange in my basket. She grabbed my arm and asked if I had every tried a HONEYBELL. The next thing I knew I was at the register paying for 8 of them. It set me back a total of $1.20. And after I tried one back at the camper I realized Jose had set me up with a new addiction. Since I haven't yet mentioned them to Darryl (is that bad?) I have four more days before I need to replenish my supply.
In the meantime with respect to the "bad" aspect of Florida I do have a few things I could mention but I will skip right to the top of the list. Fire ants. Actually, they take up the top four spots on the list. I thought I had masterfully avoided them this year but alas they found me (I found them) yesterday. That's all I have to say about that.
And now the "not so ugly". It is this bike. A little rusty. A little old. Not that good looking. But I could tell when we went to the Flea Market yesterday that it needed a home. And I need exercise. So it was a match made in heaven. I rationalized that Florida is such a flat state I will actually be able to exercise without having to put too much effort into it. So we loaded it in the car, and when we got it back I "pimped my ride" by adding a basket (donated by Andy from one of his piles of junk. Andy could be a whole other chapter in this blog). And so this morning after my HONEYBELL I am going off for a pedal. Bye!


  1. Yay! A bike! I love it! As for the Honneybell..... should I send Darryl Macaroons?
